Everyone's Taekwondo journey is a little different. Our instructors all have different stories and motives for their reason for doing martial arts and why they love it.
Name: Ms. Heather Cardona
Rank: 3rd Degree Black Belt
What age did you start martial arts? I started Taekwondo with Grand Master Seo at the Rome location when I was 6 years old alongside my dad, brother, and sister.
Why did you start taekwondo? As silly as it may sound, I had always wanted to be a ninja, and we drove past the school in Rome every day. My dad and mom finally gave in and looked at all of the martial arts schools in Rome. They just liked the feeling of Seo's Martial Arts and signed us up there.
What were your first thoughts about martial arts? Wow! That was a really long time ago, but from what I remember, I loved it! I was just so happy that I hade already made so many friends in such a short amount of time. It was a very warm and welcoming atmosphere, and that is something that has definitely withstood the test of time here at all of our locations.
What was the turning point for you? When did this become more than just a sport and more of a career goal? When I was 13 years old I realized that this was something I wanted to do forever. Everyone I trained with for so long turned from friends to my family, and that was a great thing to experience. I think that was my real turning point.
Why do you love Taekwondo? What is your favorite aspect of it? I love the opportunities from Taekwondo. It's shaped me to be the person I am today. I love that I can help others become better versions of themselves. It's so much more than just a sport, and that is for sure the best part.
How has Taekwondo changed you? Taekwondo changed me to become a better person. I was the kid who always had trouble, didn't have self-control, and didn't have focus. Taekwondo really instilled that into my life as well as helped me grow with confidence as I have gotten older.
Why do you love teaching? I love teaching because I know all of the positive impacts martial arts has had on my life, and I want to share that with others whether it is learning a new skill, gaining confidence, or even just gaining a new friend. Seeing my students accomplish all of their goals and being able to witness taekwondo transform them is the most rewarding feeling and makes me love it even more.
Why should people enroll in martial arts? Unlike other sports, martial arts is year-round, so you can train and enroll whenever! There is also so much you can learn from self-defense to bettering yourself. In addition to these benefits, you also become part of a life-long family.
What tips do you have for beginners? Don't give up as hard as it is in the beginning; with practice, you will get it. Even the most advanced student was once a beginner.
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